Obama’s inauguration speech - Repetition
All speeches contain a certain element of repetition. Some involve repetition of the actual words or phrases, such as Obama’s “Yes we can” acceptance speech. Others however, involve the repetition of a type of phrase or a group of words such as his inauguration speech:Humbled by the task …
Grateful for the trust …
Mindful of the sacrifices …
For us, they packed up their worldly possessions …
For us, they toiled in sweatshops and settled the West …
For us, they fought and died …
Our workers no less productive …
Our minds no less inventive,
Our good and services no less needed …
Our capacity remains undiminished …
Now, don’t get me wrong, I quite enjoy repetition in speeches, more so than in the written word, as it adds a certain rhythm to the oratory, and pleasure to the listener, and whether you agree with Obama's politics or not, he does have a well-practiced and fitting voice for public speaking. But I couldn’t help but think that after the fourth, fifth, sixth time, etc, the repetition of similar words, similar phrases, similar sounding ideas, became just a bit too, well, repetitious.
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