Oxidants lodge discrimination complaint
Media Release
______________________________________________Thursday, 24 September 2009
In what has been described as a legal first, a group representing Oxidants have lodged a complaint with the New South Wales Anti-Discrimination Board (ADB).
Oxidants for life, a non-profit organisation, has lodged the complaint against six defendants, Coles, Woolworths, Liptons, Twinings and two other upmarket organic restaurants that cannot be named for legal reasons. The group claims that the defendants have waged what is now a ten-year campaign against oxidants excluding them from foods, products, and health promotions in an effort to rid them from their places of business.
Mr Seotoo, an Oxidants for life spokesperson, said yesterday that:
“The time has come to speak out against the marked increase in discrimination against oxidants. We are not just fighting for the right to go to a nice restaurant or walk down the aisles of a local supermarket, but we want to confront the prejudice that has made being anti-oxidant quite popular”.
The lawyers representing the defendants refused to comment, however the ADB President did say that while they have heard many cases of discrimination, this was the first they had heard of that was based on the periodic table.
The case was adjourned for six weeks for the parties to prepare written submissions.

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