Hankerchiefs are disgusting

Best Blogger Tips

Monday 28 November 2011

Without wanting to offend the H.A.A ***, let me say upfront that hankerchiefs are disgusting. The idea that you would blow your nose on something and then put it back in your pocket for an undisclosed period of time, before getting it back out and doing the same thing all over again is just plain disgusting. Along with smoking, dawdling and nosepicking (which is somewhat related), the use of hankerchiefs should be banned in public (what people want to do behind closed doors is up to them).

Rant now over.

*** H.A.A = Hankerchief Association of Australia - Click here for more information on the H.A.A

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Anonymous said...

I have used a hankie for over 50 years and feel naked without one. However my hankie must be ironed
with neat creases. They must also be high quality cotton and monogrammed with an attractive T. So there!

Anonymous said...

I'll tell ya now, that you're a right plum miss and a fascist. Get over yourself. If you don't like people smoking, spitting or usin' a hanky, then don't leave yer house.

Anonymous said...

The point of a handkerchief is to not be forced to use ones sleeve, or worse, nothing at all. Also, a hankie is washed after it is used rather than thrown away like a paper tissue. Finally, which is the best of these three options in a situation where someone needs to blow/wipe their nose; (1) use their sleeve and have snot on their shirt for the rest of the day; (2) use a paper tissue and either keep it in their pocket until they find a trash can, or litter; (3) use a hankie and toss it in with the dirty clothes at the end of the day.

Response over now.

Anonymous said...

you sound like a girl

Anonymous said...

you clearly don't have children and/or use cloth diapers

Anonymous said...

i have used my handkerchief ever since i was three never thought it was disgusting and neither has anyone else i have met except rich snobs

Anonymous said...

It's 2014 not 1814. It's time to let the dirty, disgusting, low-class mucous-save-it-for-later tag in the trash. These defense posts are hilarious I mean how hard is it to find a trash can? How hard is it to find a tissue? Generally it's only an issue when you are sick so just load up before you go out, and the idea of someone using one of these while sick is even more disturbing. What's funny is that using a hanky makes you look like you were raised in a barn yet advocates think they are so high class because it has lil' patterns and ironed creases. Who in their right mind would waste precious minutes of their life ironing a hanky?

Andrew said...

Totally agree. It's 2014 not 1814 and time to get rid of hankies.

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