My blogging goals

Best Blogger Tips

Sunday 1 April 2012

Earlier this year I started a Facebook page with 2 specific goals.

Firstly, to get more than 50 Facebook likes.

Secondly, to use my Facebook page as a platform to launch a successful bid to takeover Google as the number one internet search engine.

You may find it hard to believe, but I have actually achieved the first of these goals, and I personally believe that I am pretty close to the second.

So for all those regular readers who haven’t liked Daily Vowel Movements on Facebook here is your chance to join the fun and frivolity that also occurs over on Facebook. Just click on the big Like button to the right, or you can check it out here (Daily Vowel Movements Facebook Page).

For those that have already liked the page, thanks for all your support, comments and shares, and remember, Don’t stop believing.


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