Amazing prank with his own hair

Best Blogger Tips

Saturday 7 July 2012

Here is an amazing prank where a guy carries out the following four steps:

"Step 1: Cut off my long hair of three years
Step 2: hot glue it into a wig (yes, slightly serial killerish, but wait..)
Step 3: Wear that wig, my friends thinking it's my hair
Step 4: Pull it off suddenly and presto, friend freakouts"

The whole thing made me smile, but both the first few minutes are excellent as well as again at about 5 minutes where he starts to tell people the wig is made out of his own hair.

via Bag of Nothing


RodeoClown said...

What would have been SUPER awesome would be if he stood at the back in a photo - took it off for the shot, then put it back on without anyone else seeing it.

That would have been pretty sweet :)

Pennie said...

I have tears, laughing tears :-) Loved it!

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