Missing woman found after she joined search for herself

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Friday 31 August 2012

"A woman who was reported missing from an Icelandic tour unwittingly joined a search for herself. 

... [ She] was listed as missing Saturday near the Eldgjá volcanic canyon in southern Iceland.

A search continued through the weekend with reports saying she got off a tour bus and never returned.
It turns out the woman merely changed clothes during the bus stop, and after she returned, those on the bus didn't recognize her.
When the description of the "missing" woman was circulated, apparently the lady who changed her outfit didn't recognize the description of herself. So she joined the search party.
About 50 people searched the area in vehicles and on foot, and a helicopter was ready to assist.
Eventually it occurred to the "missing" woman that she could very well be the person everyone was looking for, and she promptly reported herself as safe and sound to police.
The search was called off early Sunday morning."


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