First ever Daily Vowel Movements Caption contest

Best Blogger Tips

Monday 19 November 2012

I have never done one of these before on Daily Vowel Movements but here is how it is going to work.

1. Think of a caption for what you think this dog would be saying.
2. Write it in the comments below.
3. After a sufficient* amount of time I will choose the best one (that is funniest).
4. I will caption the picture with a speech bubble and repost it (And if you have a blog or website I will link to it - free advertising).

Good luck.

Thanks to Misanthropic Musings for this great picture - You should check them out. They are a bit more classy than me, with longer more interesting and well written posts. But don't let that put you off.

* sufficient time is the time it takes to get more than one comment.


KIM said...

You would scowl too if it happened to you.

silver_est said...

I see the dog ask me: "Am I male or female?"

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