How busy are you at the moment?

Best Blogger Tips

Friday 23 March 2012

Everyone is busy these days, I get it. Some from work, some from home, some from telling others how busy they are. But here is a very simple way to work out how busy I am - just ask me how many unread posts I have in google reader.

On good weeks, and months, my unread counter is down around zero, having read or skimmed my way through 100s of posts each week. On bad weeks and months it creeps up and up and up. It is currently approaching one thousand unread posts. I have had this happen once before, and interestingly google reader stops counting above 1000 and just lists it as "1000 +".

Anyway, rather than combatting the problem, I have wasted my time by creating this little image which is a very simple formula to work out my google reader number. Hope you like it.


Di said...

I feel your pain. Mine stands at 783 right now, after goofing off in Israel for 3 weeks. (Thought of you guys often, by the way).

ampers said...

Just this morning I was thinking I should unsubscribe to some blogs as I had 150 unread... Maybe I am OCD, but I feel I have to read every word that comes into my google reader, but that feeling is slowly going away.

Andrew said...

Haha. Yes I have a bit of the same blogging OCD and want to read everything. That's why I get annoyed at blogs that have very long post (or articles, or even short books in the one post). That's why mine are always short, pithy and easy to read, skim over - that's what the Internet is for, isn't it?

Andrew said...

Haha. Yes I have a bit of the same blogging OCD and want to read everything. That's why I get annoyed at blogs that have very long post (or articles, or even short books in the one post). That's why mine are always short, pithy and easy to read, skim over - that's what the Internet is for, isn't it?

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