The Wednesday Word - pangram

Best Blogger Tips

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Today’s word is pangram, which is a sentence that has all the letters of the alphabet in it. I suppose if you write a sentence long enough about a jazzy box of quokkas it’s probably not that hard, but an ideal pangram contains each letter only once, which is very difficult in my opinion. (Haha, did you notice the last sentence was a pangram?)

Here are a couple of perfect pangrams, but unfortunately they only barely make sense:

Mr Jock, TV quick PhD, bags few lynx.
Jump dogs, why vex Fritz Blank QC.
JFK got my VHS, PC and XLR web quiz.

Anyway, here is my quote for it, using the most famous pangram of all:

“Perhaps I will never understand why the dog was lazy, or why the fox who was both quick and brown decided to jump over him, but at least I can understand what a pangram is.”

Feel free to let me know if you ever come across a word you think may be appropriate for this part of my blog.


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